"This publication is dedicated to the memory of Samuel Walker Houston, founder and first principal of the Sam Houston Industrial Training School, which later became Sam Houston High School, and all former teachers and students who found paths to literacy and understanding. It contains a treasury of historical information on the origin, growth, and development of education in Walker County by highlighting the achievements of graduates of Sam Houston High School and other outstanding citizens of Walker County. A concerted effort has been made to focus on the positive achievements of African Americans, past and present, in words and photographs. Enshrined among these pages are the stories of "Pathfinders"who represent positive role models for young people who aspire to succeed and achieve against all odds."
This excellent book was published in 2004 by the Walker County Historical Commission in cooperation with the African American Documentary Committe and Its chief editor Dr.Naomi W. Lede. Dr. Lede was a 1949 graduate of Sam Houston High School in Huntsville, TX. She was a senior research scientist at the Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University System. She was formerly Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Texas Southern University. Upon retirement, the university bestowed upon her the title, Executive Director Emeritus of the Center for Training and Research at Texas Southern University.
I would encourage those who want to know more about the Pathfinders of African Americans in Huntsville, TX to read this book. You won't be disappointed. Many of these Pathfinders' descendants still call Huntsville their home and are eager to tell you a thing or two about their family. You won't be disappointed. Copies of this work can be obtained at the Samuel Walker Houston Museum & Cultural Center.